If you want to learn the hottest skill of the 21st century, you could try and use one of the many hacking techniques to "break" into your own Wi-Fi router and get the password. Of course, you will probably need internet access in order to do this, so it may not be feasible in your situation. Still, if you're interested in checking out the many ways the Wi-Fi can be hacked, check out Null Byte's section on Wi-Fi hacking. If nothing else, it's good motivation to use a really good password for your hotspot.
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Security Essentials from Microsoft (MSE) only detects MessenPass. Why?? Because I could easy and with a little .Net programming transform this app in a deadly IM password stealer. I think that considering thses tools as Riskware is appropriate since is so easy to hackers to use them to bad porpuses. 2ff7e9595c